Hello Friends, Now a days every one want to know that how to show hosted adsense ads on custom domain. So today I want to share that how to show adsense ads on custom domain. It is not difficult to show hosted adsense ads on custom domain. You first need to create blank blogger template and put the adsense code on the blogger template.

  • Download Blank template here :  Download
  • How to Install Template.
  • Go to blogger dashboard
  • Create a new test blog
  • Give it title and address
  • Choose any template but simple is good
  • Next Blog >> Template >> Edit HTML

Here is the code of Template:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html b:version=’2′ class=’v2′ expr:dir=’data:blog.languageDirection’ xmlns=’http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml’ xmlns:b=’http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b’ xmlns:data=’http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data’ xmlns:expr=’http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr’>
<meta content=’IE=EmulateIE7′ http-equiv=’X-UA-Compatible’/>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.isMobile’>
<meta content=’width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0′ name=’viewport’/>
<meta content=’width=1100′ name=’viewport’/>
<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>
Them name  :  Blank blogger template
----------------------------------------------- */
#navbar-iframe {   height:0px;   visibility:hidden;   display:none   }
body {
font: $(body.font);
color: $(body.text.color);
background: $(body.background);
padding: 0 $(content.shadow.spread) $(content.shadow.spread) $(content.shadow.spread);
$(body.background.override)  margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<b:section class=’navbar’ id=’navbar’ maxwidgets=’1′ showaddelement=’no’>
<b:widget id=’Navbar1′ locked=’true’ title=’Navbar’ type=’Navbar’/>
<!– Your adsense code here –>
<div style=’margin-top:400px; ‘>
<!–Please keep the Credits intact–>
<center><p><a href=’http://www.ittechnohub.com/’>IT Techno Hub - 
Solution Of Every Problem</a></p></center>
Create a new file in your server file manager with extension .html
Add this code in the file.

<iframe src=’http://yourblog.blogspot.com/’ width=’500′ height=’500′ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ hspace=”0″ vspace=”0″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=’no’></iframe>
And the last step is that to add the iframe in the custom domain.
Add this code where you want to add adsense code.

<iframe src=’http://yoursite.com/abc.html’ width=’336′ height=’280′ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ hspace=”0″ vspace=”0″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=’no’></iframe>
You are Done. :)
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