When you tries to enter to a https websites like Gmail, Facebook you may sometimes noticed the following error "The server's security certificate is not yet valid!" or other similar messages. This sometimes prevent us to enter to those websites.
If you are getting this error frequently, you are at the right place. Through this article we are providing a killer and simple solution to remove Server security certificate not yet valid problem with some steps. the reason for showing "The server's security certificate is not yet valid!" is due to the mismatch of your local PC time and Server time.
Follow the simple step to make correct your local time to server time.
Now enter to those https sites like Facebook and Gmail. You can now successfully login without any errors.
If you are getting this error frequently, you are at the right place. Through this article we are providing a killer and simple solution to remove Server security certificate not yet valid problem with some steps. the reason for showing "The server's security certificate is not yet valid!" is due to the mismatch of your local PC time and Server time.
How to remove Server security certificate not yet valid problem?
Follow the simple step to make correct your local time to server time.
- Go to Date/Time settings From your windows task bar
- Then make your date and time correct.
- Apply
- OK
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